On the Fly: It’s a beautiful day

An angler on the Roaring Fork River.
Louis Cahill Photography/Courtesy photo

People often say — and we couldn’t agree more — it’s always a beautiful day if you’re fishing.  

A great day on the water starts with having the right attitude and expectations (or lack thereof). If you live here, you realize that fishing is fishing — some days are hot, some are not. Many visitors only get to fish here a few days a year, similar to locals going on their annual tarpon, bonefish, or redfish trip to saltwater destinations. We all want to maximize our fishing days, especially if they are rare.

A day on the river, lake or saltwater flat is a gift. We all want to have the perfect day out there, but those in the know learn to temper their expectations because Mother Nature is going to do what she is going to do. What I’ve learned over the years is to appreciate the tough days as much as the ones I seemingly can’t miss. The tough days are down payments for the crazy good ones, and you have to bank a few here and there to build up your “credit.”

A beautiful day can simply be catching a nice fish on a fly you personally tied, learning the difference between a midge and a blue winged olive mayfly, or seeing tarpon daisy chain next to the skiff in the Florida Keys. It can also be the day you make a new fishing friend, perfect your cast, or see an epic insect hatch on a quietly murmuring stream.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it’s up to you what you take away from your day out there. Quiet your mind, take a deep breath, and give thanks for where you are and what you’re doing. When you’re happy to be outside in nature, it’s always a beautiful day!  

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