Louthis: Dispatch center needs fixing

What has happened with our regional dispatch center, the life-line for all the public-safety professionals in the upper valley, is a travesty. The current sheriff deputized all the dispatchers, changed the organization to be Pitkin-centric, while in actuality the majority of calls are for the Aspen Police Department. Many officers from all four departments have told me that dispatch is so unprofessional, untrained and inexperienced that they are concerned for their safety. 

Michael Buglione is committed to getting the dispatch center back to being an integral part of officer safety as opposed to a liability. 

The dramatic decline of qualified applicants for positions in dispatch, patrol and detention under the current regime needs to be addressed. Michael is dedicated and has extensive experience to correct these serious issues.

Vote Michael Buglione for sheriff by Nov. 8.

Tricia Louthis