Pandora’s helps realize Aspen Idea

To the Pitkin Board of County Commissioners,

I want to offer my gratitude to the BOCC for your recent commitment to support the proposed Pandora’s expansion. We at JAS understand well that the BOCC was tasked with balancing varying points of view involved to intelligently consider what some perceive as a “growth issue,” while remaining true to what we consider the foundational roots of Aspen and the Aspen Idea. In the end, I believe you accomplished that task brilliantly.

We believe that the Paepcke’s post-war vision manifested in the birthing of (3) institutions and ideas that continue to help define Aspen to this day. That could have been enough in 1946, but in hindsight, the Paepcke’s did not stop at Mind & Body, the Aspen Institute & the Aspen Skiing Corporation. There was a central place for spirit and a belief that culture plays a vital role in a civilized society. That philosophy helped birth what would become the Aspen Music Festival & School.

Classical music would have been enough for many … but the addition of ballet, film, art & jazz plus other institutions has made Aspen an even more wondrous home for the Arts in summer and has balanced our economy to support businesses throughout the year. Elizabeth Paepcke must be smiling broadly!

JAS itself has traveled many miles from its earliest roots in the Benedict Music Tent and still has dreams. In Aspen’s best moments, leaders can help foster the special tradition of Aspen institutions, seeing the future and responsibly acting on a vision where dreaming of ever greater excellence is fundamental in all our endeavors. The result can be new, dynamic experiences.

Our four magnificent mountains together offer a great variety of ski experiences to a diversity of users and levels. JAS loves the idea of Pandora’s expansion because it addresses the future of skiing and adds a new and unforgettable experience to the array of ski options for locals and visitors.

Thanks again for your vision and commitment to what makes Aspen a one-of-a-kind place. Let’s keep our foot on the Vision pedal!

Jim Horowitz

Founder, president and CEO, Jazz Aspen Snowmass