Immigrants will fill jobs

Seems like every small-business man is singing the same sad tune. Can’t get anybody to fill my job openings. Nobody wants to work. They have all that money from the government and that’s taken away their incentive.

In the first place, that’s such an insult to the American worker. You must dangle that carrot out in front of them to get them off their ass. How does that apply to some of our recent heroes? The health care workers working seven 12s in gawd-awful conditions surrounded by suffering and death. The wildland firefighters facing up to intense flames in heavy fire-retardant clothing over impossible terrain.

There’s no amount of money that’d make this work worthwhile. Federal firefighters make $13 per hour. They must feel needed. Working for the common good isn’t a Marxist philosophy. It’s a motivation that moves many selfless, altruistic workers to action.

Further, the solution to our labor shortage may be at our southern border. Record numbers of immigrants, mostly from Central America, are massing at our border with Mexico, even in the midsummer heat, trying to realize the American dream.

The majority of the job openings in this country are for unskilled laborers or service industry workers. White citizens are too lazy or filled with false pride to work jobs like this. It might help if the small-business men paid a living wage.

Immigrants just want to work and they’re proud to earn a paycheck, even if it means douching out hotel rooms trashed by white slobs, flipping burgers in a steam bath of a kitchen, or picking cabbages in the blazing sun. They’re escaping massive unemployment and crushing poverty, so any opportunity to feed their family is greatly appreciated.

And Latins put Anglos to shame when it comes to hard work. I worked on an all-Mexican (except me) track gang in a Chicago-area steel mill. When plant management wanted a wreck cleared up, they called on our crew. We got her done lickity-split. Their work was frantic, but efficient. They drove me into the ground.

Fred Malo Jr.
