Valley-based artist to lead a ceramic workshop in Carbondale

Artist Kris Cox.
Courtesy photo

Kris Cox will be the first artist to lend his skills during Carbondale Clay Center’s (CCC) new series of Masterclass ceramic workshops. These Masterclass workshops are set to take place quarterly, span multiple days, and highlight and share the techniques of a prominent working artist in the ceramic arts.

The workshop, titled “Exploring Ceramic Techniques” will take place 9 a.m.-6 p.m. (both days) Saturday, Feb. 24 and Sunday, Feb. 25. A Raku firing at CCC followed by a reception at Cox’s studio is scheduled to take place for workshop participants on Friday, March 15.

The workshop is geared towards students who have an intermediate to advanced understanding of clay and are interested in furthering their techniques in wheel throwing and hand building.

Cox studied with Paul Soldner at Scripps College in 1973 and spent the next two years (1974-75) helping to establish the ceramics studio at Anderson Ranch. Cox’s work can be found in many institutional collections across the country, and he currently works in his private studio in Carbondale.

More information about Cox and the workshop can be found at

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