Aspen Silver Lining


In April, we launched our new “Mining for a Silver Lining” online feature to show how strong the Aspen connection is around the world. Recently, it was recognized by “Big Life” magazine for its positive impact on the community.

For the next few weeks, we will be highlighting some of our “Silver Lining” community profiles in The Aspen Times.

To read more profiles and add your story to our #AspenSilverLining project, go to and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


Location: Aspen

Connection to Aspen: Grew up here!

Age: 30

Relationship Status: I have a boyfriend, Zach!

Occupation: Former professional athlete; Real estate broker at Compass.

How are you coping in corona?

I aim to get outside once a day, whether that’s for a run, skin, walk, or to fly-fish. The river and fly-fishing has been really soothing for me. I concentrate so much on the moment and watching my flies that it helps me forget about the current events. When I leave the river I feel so refreshed and recharged and a sense that it will all be OK. My goal while on lockdown is to learn how to tie flies! I’m really excited to learn and have a new hobby that doesn’t involve technology. I also made the decision to cut out caffeine to help keep my anxiety levels low and sleep well at night.

How can we help others?

I think the best thing to do to help our community and its members is to make sure we are vigilant about sanitizing (keeping hands clean and not touching our faces), as well as obeying social distancing. Also, staying in constant communication with our loved ones and friends.

What good can come out of this period?

A greater appreciation for human connection, new ideas and philosophies, and I think that many people are getting very creative right now with all aspects of their life. I think creativity is a wonderful thing and can bring on a sense of problem-solving, purpose, accomplishment and self expression.


Location: I rent an AH apartment in downtown Aspen.

Connection to Aspen: I’ve lived here for 26 years.

Age: 50

Relationship: In a relationship.

Occupation: Tennis instructor; mayor

How are you coping in corona?

To cope during the crisis, I am working a lot, creative cooking for myself, painting, playing guitar and sending friends awful but amusing song recordings (I take requests). I am also watching a lot of history, nature and news, as well as too much reality TV.

How are you helping others?

I am helping others by working hard on our community response, relief and recovery efforts.

What good can come of this period?

We have the opportunity to make positive changes through this crisis. We are strengthening our relationships and compassion. We will emerge with a stronger community, environmental priority and a clear vision for a better Aspen.

What will you do first when restrictions lift?

Get together with friends and family!