Stephenson: Will more take stances on the Entrance to Aspen?

Although I am not currently a registered city of Aspen voter, I have been a voter and resident of Pitkin County for 46 years. I do not know how many times residents have been asked to vote on the Entrance to Aspen issue, but I know there have been numerous ballot issues, studies, discussions, debates, arguments, and impact statements.

It seems to my simple mind that the only group concerned about all the commuting residents of Pitkin County and all commuters from Eagle and Garfield counties is the group led by Rachel Richards, Scot Woolley, Ann Mullins, Ward Hauenstein, Warren Klug, Kelly McNicholas Kury, and Mike Maple. My goodness, even Roger Marolt (of Marolt Open Space fame) came out in favor of the Preferred Alternative. It is also the only solution to improving public safety ingress and egress.

I also have a question for the Snowmass Village Town Council and the Pitkin County Board of Commissioners: Why have we not heard a strong stance from you on this issue? Your constituents comprise a heck of a lot of the folks stuck in traffic from the airport into Aspen in the morning and backed up on Main Street every evening.

Ann Stephenson
