Hauenstein: Supporting Aspen’s inclusivity policies
The voice of the right has spoken in opposition to the city including DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging) as a policy of the city of Aspen. Councilman Bill Guth expressed the belief that being sensitive to individuals who are included in the DEIB group are suboptimal employees. He apparently subscribes to the right-wing view that DEIB is a plot to mandate the employment of people based on their identity. Nothing could be further from the truth. The policy is to allow equal access to all. There is no bias in favor of hiring, and certainly no mandate or quota to employ historically marginalized people.
“In this commitment, we are affirming that our individual and collective diversity in gender, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identify,(sic) citizenship status, education, disability, socio-economic status, or any other identity is a valuable asset to Aspen’s present and future,” City of Aspen Policy Agenda page 10.
The policy of the city of Aspen is to treat all human beings with respect, acceptance, and an attitude of belonging. The city’s goal is to employ the best candidates for open positions based upon their education, experience, and knowledge, regardless of race, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or gender identity.
The city policy on DEIB extends to our guests. Everyone that visits Aspen should feel welcomed, accepted, and safe. The non acceptance of DEIB is insensitive and counter productive to the economic and humane sustainability of Aspen.
Allowing the right-wing to assert its agenda without speaking up against it is not in harmony with the Body, Mind, and Spirit of Aspen. Attempts to erode the integrity and humanity of Aspen should be resisted. It is a slippery slope when civil liberties are compromised. What is next? Will the banned book list be next? Democracy dies in silence. Franklin said a Republic is good if you can keep it. Cynical attempts to diminish what I hold true cannot be accepted without objecting.
Ward Hauenstein