Aarons: Putting the cart before the horse

A fatal flaw with Referendum No. 2 is that it totally eliminates any accountability for mitigation of any new highway scheme. Here is the exact wording from that ballot measure:

“Voter approval of this measure permits the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to proceed with both planning and construction activities under the current Record of Decision (ROD) or any future Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that designates a new Preferred Alternative (PA) and Record of Decision (ROD) under the National Environment Policy Act (NEPA).”

Why would the voters of Aspen, who in the past have required approval of any plan, completely give away that critical right set forth in the Home Rule Charter? Shouldn’t there be a complete understanding of all contours of an entrance plan including mitigation of detriments of a new highway before voting for approval?

Rachael Richards, joined at both hips to the Straight Shot and Referendum No. 2, has given no answers. Aspen voters should not accede now without knowing what they are giving away in the future. Simply put: Richards puts the cart before the horse. Voters need to say “no” to her and her referendum.

Martha Aarons


Letter to the Editor