This week in Aspen history

Aspen Historical Society Collection/Courtesy photo
“Judge Allen sets aside the sale of the Holden Works,” announced the Aspen Daily Times on Feb. 5, 1895.
“Attorneys here interested in the litigation involving the Holden Lixiviation works on Castle Creek, received a telegram yesterday to the effect that Judge Allen of the United States court had set aside the recent sale of that property on execution in favor of judgment creditors. This property cost between two and three hundred thousand dollars. Mortgages and liens were held against it amounting to $150,000 or more. Foreclosure proceedings were begun by R. W. Woodbury, the Union National bank of Denver et al in the district court for Arapahoe county and an order of sale issued. The property was advertised for sale by Sheriff Hayes and from time to time the sale was postponed for want of a purchaser. It was finally sold a few months ago for $26,300 including all real estate and personal property. The J.B. Wheeler Banking company had a claim against the lixiviation works and was a party to the application to have the sale set aside. The property will now be readvertised and sold, unless the validity of the judgment itself should be attacked, which is improbable.”
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