Pitkin County Regional Emergency Dispatch named center of the year

Dispatchers work in the Pitkin County emergency 911 dispatch center.
The Aspen Times archives

The Pitkin County Regional Emergency Dispatch Center (PCREDC) has earned two significant honors this week, receiving recognition from the Colorado Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials and the National Emergency Number Association. 

According to a press release, the dispatch center was awarded the 9-1-1 Communication Center of the Year Award, while Operations Manager Brad Flanagan was named Director/Manager of the Year.

Brett Loeb, PCREDC Emergency Communications chief, attributed the achievements to the dedication of the dispatch team and the strength of the organization’s partnerships. He noted that the center has undergone a rebuilding phase in recent years, with the successful completion of staffing efforts playing a key role in earning statewide recognition.

The 9-1-1 Communication Center of the Year Award honors centers that excel in staffing, culture, technological innovation, and forward-thinking initiatives. PCREDC stood out for its ability to push the limits of what a rural public safety answering point (PSAP) can achieve, providing top-tier service, leveraging cutting-edge technology, and prioritizing the well-being of its staff. 

Loeb emphasized in the press release the significance of the award, describing it as a testament to the center’s commitment to serving the Roaring Fork Valley and supporting first responders.

“This accomplishment has been a long-term goal for us and is essential to delivering the high level of 9-1-1 dispatch services that the citizens of the Roaring Fork Valley and the first responders who serve them deserve,” he said in a news release. 

He also expressed gratitude to the center’s partners, including Aspen Fire, Aspen Ambulance, Aspen Police, Pitkin County Sheriff’s Office, Snowmass Village Police, Basalt Police, Roaring Fork Fire, and Carbondale Fire. He extended thanks to Pitkin County’s Telecommunications, Information Technology, Geographic Information Systems, and Facilities staff, whom he said played a vital role in achieving this milestone.

The Director/Manager of the Year Award recognizes exceptional leadership in communications centers. 

Flanagan’s innovative approach has transformed PCREDC, integrating technologies like Formula One-inspired noise-canceling systems, Department of Defense GPS tools, and AI-powered phone systems. His leadership has been pivotal in revitalizing the center, taking it from the brink of closure to being fully staffed within three years.