Snowmass history: Avalanche safety

Aspen Historical Society
Snowmass Ski Patrollers conducting an avalanche drill circa 1980 as part of their on-going training for skier safety.
Aspen Historical Society/Aspen Skiing Company Collection.

“Art of forecasting avalanches taught here by snow experts” announced The Aspen Times in 1980 by Michael Kennedy. “Statistically, Colorado has more avalanche related deaths that any other state……Many, if not all, of those deaths could have been prevented by a working knowledge of snow structure and avalanche release mechanisms as well as common sense application of basic safety principles. The American Avalanche Institute based in Jackson, Wyo., has for several years offered courses throughout the Rocky Mountains on avalanche forecasting and snow safety….Over 30 people including ski personnel from Frisco, Alta and Aspen attended the four-day session….”