Colorado Mountain College presents play with ‘important themes’ at Wheeler

Mike McKibbin
Colorado Mountain College
Sopris Theatre Company’s Bostyn Elswick received the Outstanding Actor in a Lead Role at the Colorado Theatre Festival in 2024 for her portrayal of Angela in “Natural Shocks.” She will perform the one-woman show on Feb. 1 at the Wheeler Opera House in Aspen.
Shane Delevan/Courtesy photo

The award-winning Sopris Theatre Company at Colorado Mountain College presents a one-time performance of “Natural Shocks” by playwright Lauren Gunderson at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 1, at the Wheeler Opera House.

The company performed “Natural Shocks” around the state last year, including at the Colorado Theatre Festival, where it received several awards. Bostyn Elswick received the Outstanding Actor in a Lead Role award in the one-woman show; The Sopris Theatre Company’s Artistic Producer Brad Moore was awarded Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design; and the company won the “Techtinabulation” award. Among the most coveted award, it honors a community theater’s teamwork, communication prowess, and technical abilities. The production also was named a runner-up to perform at the upcoming American Association of Community Theatre‘s national festival in June 2025.

The timely play “masterfully tackles important themes,” said Moore, the director and designer for the Aspen performance.

“Natural Shocks,” based on a phrase in Hamlet’s famous “To be or not to be” soliloquy, is described on Gunderson’s website as a “powerful, shocking, funny, solo play” and “a 60-minute, one-woman tour-de-force.”

The Women’s Project Theater called the play “A darkly hilarious solo tour-de-force where (Angela) is forced into her basement when she finds herself in the path of a tornado. Trapped there, she spills over into confession, regret, long-held secrets, and giddy new love. But as the storm approaches, she becomes less and less sure where safety lies — and how best to defy the danger that awaits.”

With themes of abuse and violence in the play, a review by the DC Metro Theater Arts said “Gunderson’s ‘Natural Shocks’ raises important points about the need to take action in times of crises.”

Potential playgoers should be aware “Natural Shocks” deals with domestic abuse and gun violence and may be difficult material for some audiences. Tickets can be purchased online for $20 at or

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